torch ===== The torch package contains data structures for multi-dimensional tensors and mathematical operations over these are defined. Additionally, it provides many utilities for efficient serializing of Tensors and arbitrary types, and other useful utilities. It has a CUDA counterpart, that enables you to run your tensor computations on an NVIDIA GPU with compute capability >= 3.0 .. currentmodule:: torch Tensors ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: is_tensor is_storage is_complex is_floating_point is_nonzero set_default_dtype get_default_dtype set_default_tensor_type numel set_printoptions set_flush_denormal .. _tensor-creation-ops: Creation Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: Random sampling creation ops are listed under :ref:`random-sampling` and include: :func:`torch.rand` :func:`torch.rand_like` :func:`torch.randn` :func:`torch.randn_like` :func:`torch.randint` :func:`torch.randint_like` :func:`torch.randperm` You may also use :func:`torch.empty` with the :ref:`inplace-random-sampling` methods to create :class:`torch.Tensor` s with values sampled from a broader range of distributions. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: tensor sparse_coo_tensor as_tensor as_strided from_numpy zeros zeros_like ones ones_like arange range linspace logspace eye empty empty_like empty_strided full full_like quantize_per_tensor quantize_per_channel dequantize Indexing, Slicing, Joining, Mutating Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: cat chunk gather index_select masked_select narrow nonzero reshape split squeeze stack t take transpose unbind unsqueeze where .. _generators: Generators ---------------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: Generator .. _random-sampling: Random sampling ---------------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: seed manual_seed initial_seed get_rng_state set_rng_state .. autoattribute:: torch.default_generator :annotation: Returns the default CPU torch.Generator .. The following doesn't actually seem to exist. .. autoattribute:: torch.cuda.default_generators :annotation: If cuda is available, returns a tuple of default CUDA torch.Generator-s. The number of CUDA torch.Generator-s returned is equal to the number of GPUs available in the system. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: bernoulli multinomial normal poisson rand rand_like randint randint_like randn randn_like randperm .. _inplace-random-sampling: In-place random sampling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few more in-place random sampling functions defined on Tensors as well. Click through to refer to their documentation: - :func:`torch.Tensor.bernoulli_` - in-place version of :func:`torch.bernoulli` - :func:`torch.Tensor.cauchy_` - numbers drawn from the Cauchy distribution - :func:`torch.Tensor.exponential_` - numbers drawn from the exponential distribution - :func:`torch.Tensor.geometric_` - elements drawn from the geometric distribution - :func:`torch.Tensor.log_normal_` - samples from the log-normal distribution - :func:`torch.Tensor.normal_` - in-place version of :func:`torch.normal` - :func:`torch.Tensor.random_` - numbers sampled from the discrete uniform distribution - :func:`torch.Tensor.uniform_` - numbers sampled from the continuous uniform distribution Quasi-random sampling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: sobolengine.rst quasirandom.SobolEngine Serialization ---------------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: save load Parallelism ---------------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: get_num_threads set_num_threads get_num_interop_threads set_num_interop_threads Locally disabling gradient computation -------------------------------------- The context managers :func:`torch.no_grad`, :func:`torch.enable_grad`, and :func:`torch.set_grad_enabled` are helpful for locally disabling and enabling gradient computation. See :ref:`locally-disable-grad` for more details on their usage. These context managers are thread local, so they won't work if you send work to another thread using the ``threading`` module, etc. Examples:: >>> x = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) >>> with torch.no_grad(): ... y = x * 2 >>> y.requires_grad False >>> is_train = False >>> with torch.set_grad_enabled(is_train): ... y = x * 2 >>> y.requires_grad False >>> torch.set_grad_enabled(True) # this can also be used as a function >>> y = x * 2 >>> y.requires_grad True >>> torch.set_grad_enabled(False) >>> y = x * 2 >>> y.requires_grad False .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: no_grad enable_grad set_grad_enabled Math operations --------------- Pointwise Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: abs absolute acos acosh add addcdiv addcmul angle asin asinh atan atanh atan2 bitwise_not bitwise_and bitwise_or bitwise_xor ceil clamp conj cos cosh deg2rad div digamma erf erfc erfinv exp expm1 floor floor_divide fmod frac imag lerp lgamma log log10 log1p log2 logaddexp logaddexp2 logical_and logical_not logical_or logical_xor mul mvlgamma neg polygamma pow rad2deg real reciprocal remainder round rsqrt sigmoid sign sin sinh sqrt square tan tanh true_divide trunc Reduction Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: argmax argmin dist logsumexp mean median mode norm prod std std_mean sum unique unique_consecutive var var_mean count_nonzero Comparison Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: allclose argsort eq equal ge gt isclose isfinite isinf isnan kthvalue le lt max min ne sort topk Spectral Ops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: fft ifft rfft irfft stft istft bartlett_window blackman_window hamming_window hann_window Other Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: bincount block_diag broadcast_tensors bucketize cartesian_prod cdist combinations cross cummax cummin cumprod cumsum diag diag_embed diagflat diagonal einsum flatten flip fliplr flipud rot90 histc meshgrid logcumsumexp renorm repeat_interleave roll searchsorted tensordot trace tril tril_indices triu triu_indices vander view_as_real view_as_complex BLAS and LAPACK Operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: addbmm addmm addmv addr baddbmm bmm chain_matmul cholesky cholesky_inverse cholesky_solve dot eig geqrf ger inverse det logdet slogdet lstsq lu lu_solve lu_unpack matmul matrix_power matrix_rank mm mv orgqr ormqr pinverse qr solve svd svd_lowrank pca_lowrank symeig lobpcg trapz triangular_solve Utilities ---------------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: compiled_with_cxx11_abi result_type can_cast promote_types